What is Grandma's Taverna?
At Grandma's Taverna, you'll find the exact location of where the locals go out to eat in Laconia - get the Google Coordinates from us.
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Local favorites, verified.
You'll get the chance to eat like a local with our recommendations - we've only added family owned tavernas that we've been to ourselves!
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Everyone loves a family owned restaurant.
Our featured tavernas are family owned give and make you feel like you're sitting in grandma's kitchen. How could you say no?
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Fresh food, guaranteed.
Farm to table: Catch of the day. Vegetables from the neighbor's garden. Fruits plucked from the tree in the backyard. The ingredients never disappoint - and neither do the portions!
Hi all! I'm Georgie, the creator of Grandma's Taverna. All my life I've been eating at some of the most delicious tavernas in Greece, most of which are still hard to find online.
I created this site because I wanted to give other travelers the chance to enjoy a truly authentic experience in a family owned taverna when searching for traditional meals on their trip to Laconia.
Georgianne Papacostas Grandma's Taverna
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